Tuesday 18 March 2008

Lady Boys Large it Up

Up until now I have only seen a handful of lady boys, however here in Phuket where brash is a kind of competitive sport, they are actively promoted.

There is a specific bar on Soi Bangla where lady boys dance for your pleasure and it is actively promoted as an attraction. There is consequent overflow onto the street and for the first time since arriving in Thailand I'm almost literally surrounded by shemales in various stages of transformation.
Being of a shy and nervous disposition I decided to sit in the balcony of a first floor bar to gawp at the he-shes in the company of what I hope were dancing GIRLS.

It's hard to believe that some of these beauties started out as men. Austin if you're reading this is still not too late to start your dancing career. Just chuck on one of your mums old frocks and get down to Phuket.

It really is like a Sergio Leone classic down here, however it seems like harmless fun. The performers certainly seem to enjoy it. Apologies for the sideways video, I haven't figured out how to rotate it for playback!

I asked my hostess (at least I'm pretty sure "she" was a hostess) why there are so many trans-sexuals in Thailand. She was quick to point out that being a Buddhist country the core philosophy is "live and let live". People simply are not persecuted for being who they are. What kind of world would we live in if that was the guiding principle behind Christianity and Islam? So tolerance and accessibility to surgery make it possible for this who wish to to do so. Makes sense to me.

I was warned by my server that some TVs fund their surgery through prostitution but specifically by essentially robbing their clients. As you can imagine I was in no rush to repeat my 8 bottles of Chang incident and surprisingly drank very little in Phuket..

And finally on this subject:

That one second in from the right looks pretty hot.....

Right that's it, I need to scarper before I make a messy mistake. Yikes.

Next: 2 Wheels out of Phuket

Cheers boys and girls, and all those in-between.


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