Saturday, 8 March 2008

8 Bottles of Local Beer

Bugger, my head hurts.
And my stomach.
None of my limbs seem to want to get out of bed. Why can't you get hangover vaccinations?
I spent last night on the Kho San road where I ran into Michael from Canada. He's so like me its scary. The night consisted of drinking beer and talking to every woman on the Kho San, just in case they were, you know, lonley or something.

Canadian Michael breaking the ice (left)

Unfortunately I was drinking the local beer "Chang" - a great brew I might add, however I forgot about the way third world beers work.

Third world beers are not brewed like other beers, a fact I should have remembered from my hours of agony in Nepal after a solid session on "Everest" beer, or Kashmir for that matter where I was so drunk that to this day I cannot remember clearly what the beer was even called, King Edward I think, or perhaps that was who I was drinking with...;

With third world beers the alcohol content on the label is approximate. You could drink four bottles of 4% beer. You could drink 2 bottles of 8% beer. I drank 8 bottles. At 4% that should have levelled me anyway. Based on how I feel, I reckon they were 8% ers every one.

The Chang branding is two elephants head butting each other. I feel as if I managed to somehow get my head in the way!

Anyway suffice to say that a good time was had by all. Maybe it was the beer, maybe it was the fact that we stayed out drinking till the wee small hours but it was the first time that I noticed that the Kho San is lined with "hookers" to use an American term, who intercept any "single" (unaccompanied) men every 30 yards or so. They seem to vary from those who look like your uncle Bernie in a dress, to those who've simply chewed on too many wasps. Fortunately like a date with Jane Goody there's no need to go all the way and a polite but firm "no thank you" works (eventually).

Sadly for me I felt an urgent need to look up my old friends Rolf and Hughie as soon as I got back to the hotel, the search lasted about 2 hours until I finally passed out. The way I feel I suspect that this blog is the only activity I'll perform today.

Any chance of a fry-up?

Mr C

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